/* * AMT22_SPI_Sample_Code.ino * Company: CUI Inc. * Author: Jason Kelly * Version: * Date: August 20, 2019 * * This sample code can be used with the Arduino Uno to control the AMT22 encoder. * It uses SPI to control the encoder and the the Arduino UART to report back to the PC * via the Arduino Serial Monitor. * For more information or assistance contact CUI Inc for support. * * After uploading code to Arduino Uno open the open the Serial Monitor under the Tools * menu and set the baud rate to 115200 to view the serial stream the position from the AMT22. * * Arduino Pin Connections * SPI Chip Select Enc 0: Pin 2 * SPI Chip Select Enc 1: Pin 3 * SPI MOSI Pin 11 * SPI MISO Pin 12 * SPI SCLK: Pin 13 * * * AMT22 Pin Connections * Vdd (5V): Pin 1 * SPI SCLK: Pin 2 * SPI MOSI: Pin 3 * GND: Pin 4 * SPI MISO: Pin 5 * SPI Chip Select: Pin 6 * * * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Include the SPI library for the arduino boards */ #include /* Serial rates for UART */ #define BAUDRATE 115200 /* SPI commands */ #define AMT22_NOP 0x00 #define AMT22_RESET 0x60 #define AMT22_ZERO 0x70 /* Define special ascii characters */ #define NEWLINE 0x0A #define TAB 0x09 /* We will use these define macros so we can write code once compatible with 12 or 14 bit encoders */ #define RES12 12 #define RES14 14 /* SPI pins */ #define ENC_0 2 #define ENC_1 3 #define SPI_MOSI 11 #define SPI_MISO 12 #define SPI_SCLK 13 void setup() { //Set the modes for the SPI IO pinMode(SPI_SCLK, OUTPUT); pinMode(SPI_MOSI, OUTPUT); pinMode(SPI_MISO, INPUT); pinMode(ENC_0, OUTPUT); pinMode(ENC_1, OUTPUT); //Initialize the UART serial connection for debugging Serial.begin(BAUDRATE); //Get the CS line high which is the default inactive state digitalWrite(ENC_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(ENC_1, HIGH); //set the clockrate. Uno clock rate is 16Mhz, divider of 32 gives 500 kHz. //500 kHz is a good speed for our test environment //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); // 8 MHz //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4); // 4 MHz //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV8); // 2 MHz //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // 1 MHz SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV32); // 500 kHz //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV64); // 250 kHz //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV128); // 125 kHz //start SPI bus SPI.begin(); } void loop() { //create a 16 bit variable to hold the encoders position uint16_t encoderPosition; //let's also create a variable where we can count how many times we've tried to obtain the position in case there are errors uint8_t attempts; //if you want to set the zero position before beggining uncomment the following function call //setZeroSPI(ENC_0); //setZeroSPI(ENC_1); //once we enter this loop we will run forever while(1) { //set attemps counter at 0 so we can try again if we get bad position attempts = 0; //this function gets the encoder position and returns it as a uint16_t //send the function either res12 or res14 for your encoders resolution encoderPosition = getPositionSPI(ENC_0, RES14); //if the position returned was 0xFFFF we know that there was an error calculating the checksum //make 3 attempts for position. we will pre-increment attempts because we'll use the number later and want an accurate count while (encoderPosition == 0xFFFF && ++attempts < 3) { encoderPosition = getPositionSPI(ENC_0, RES14); //try again } if (encoderPosition == 0xFFFF) //position is bad, let the user know how many times we tried { Serial.print("Encoder 0 error. Attempts: "); Serial.print(attempts, DEC); //print out the number in decimal format. attempts - 1 is used since we post incremented the loop Serial.write(NEWLINE); } else //position was good, print to serial stream { Serial.print("Encoder 0: "); Serial.print(encoderPosition, DEC); //print the position in decimal format Serial.write(NEWLINE); } //////////again for second encoder////////////////////////////// //set attemps counter at 0 so we can try again if we get bad position attempts = 0; //this function gets the encoder position and returns it as a uint16_t //send the function either res12 or res14 for your encoders resolution encoderPosition = getPositionSPI(ENC_1, RES14); //if the position returned was 0xFFFF we know that there was an error calculating the checksum //make 3 attempts for position. we will pre-increment attempts because we'll use the number later and want an accurate count while (encoderPosition == 0xFFFF && ++attempts < 3) { encoderPosition = getPositionSPI(ENC_1, RES14); //try again } if (encoderPosition == 0xFFFF) //position is bad, let the user know how many times we tried { Serial.print("Encoder 1 error. Attempts: "); Serial.print(attempts, DEC); //print out the number in decimal format. attempts - 1 is used since we post incremented the loop Serial.write(NEWLINE); } else //position was good, print to serial stream { Serial.print("Encoder 1: "); Serial.print(encoderPosition, DEC); //print the position in decimal format Serial.write(NEWLINE); } //For the purpose of this demo we don't need the position returned that quickly so let's wait a half second between reads //delay() is in milliseconds delay(500); } } /* * This function gets the absolute position from the AMT22 encoder using the SPI bus. The AMT22 position includes 2 checkbits to use * for position verification. Both 12-bit and 14-bit encoders transfer position via two bytes, giving 16-bits regardless of resolution. * For 12-bit encoders the position is left-shifted two bits, leaving the right two bits as zeros. This gives the impression that the encoder * is actually sending 14-bits, when it is actually sending 12-bit values, where every number is multiplied by 4. * This function takes the pin number of the desired device as an input * This funciton expects res12 or res14 to properly format position responses. * Error values are returned as 0xFFFF */ uint16_t getPositionSPI(uint8_t encoder, uint8_t resolution) { uint16_t currentPosition; //16-bit response from encoder bool binaryArray[16]; //after receiving the position we will populate this array and use it for calculating the checksum //get first byte which is the high byte, shift it 8 bits. don't release line for the first byte currentPosition = spiWriteRead(AMT22_NOP, encoder, false) << 8; //this is the time required between bytes as specified in the datasheet. //We will implement that time delay here, however the arduino is not the fastest device so the delay //is likely inherantly there already delayMicroseconds(3); //OR the low byte with the currentPosition variable. release line after second byte currentPosition |= spiWriteRead(AMT22_NOP, encoder, true); //run through the 16 bits of position and put each bit into a slot in the array so we can do the checksum calculation for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) binaryArray[i] = (0x01) & (currentPosition >> (i)); //using the equation on the datasheet we can calculate the checksums and then make sure they match what the encoder sent if ((binaryArray[15] == !(binaryArray[13] ^ binaryArray[11] ^ binaryArray[9] ^ binaryArray[7] ^ binaryArray[5] ^ binaryArray[3] ^ binaryArray[1])) && (binaryArray[14] == !(binaryArray[12] ^ binaryArray[10] ^ binaryArray[8] ^ binaryArray[6] ^ binaryArray[4] ^ binaryArray[2] ^ binaryArray[0]))) { //we got back a good position, so just mask away the checkbits currentPosition &= 0x3FFF; } else { currentPosition = 0xFFFF; //bad position } //If the resolution is 12-bits, and wasn't 0xFFFF, then shift position, otherwise do nothing if ((resolution == RES12) && (currentPosition != 0xFFFF)) currentPosition = currentPosition >> 2; return currentPosition; } /* * This function does the SPI transfer. sendByte is the byte to transmit. * Use releaseLine to let the spiWriteRead function know if it should release * the chip select line after transfer. * This function takes the pin number of the desired device as an input * The received data is returned. */ uint8_t spiWriteRead(uint8_t sendByte, uint8_t encoder, uint8_t releaseLine) { //holder for the received over SPI uint8_t data; //set cs low, cs may already be low but there's no issue calling it again except for extra time setCSLine(encoder ,LOW); //There is a minimum time requirement after CS goes low before data can be clocked out of the encoder. //We will implement that time delay here, however the arduino is not the fastest device so the delay //is likely inherantly there already delayMicroseconds(3); //send the command data = SPI.transfer(sendByte); delayMicroseconds(3); //There is also a minimum time after clocking that CS should remain asserted before we release it setCSLine(encoder, releaseLine); //if releaseLine is high set it high else it stays low return data; } /* * This function sets the state of the SPI line. It isn't necessary but makes the code more readable than having digitalWrite everywhere * This function takes the pin number of the desired device as an input */ void setCSLine (uint8_t encoder, uint8_t csLine) { digitalWrite(encoder, csLine); } /* * The AMT22 bus allows for extended commands. The first byte is 0x00 like a normal position transfer, but the * second byte is the command. * This function takes the pin number of the desired device as an input */ void setZeroSPI(uint8_t encoder) { spiWriteRead(AMT22_NOP, encoder, false); //this is the time required between bytes as specified in the datasheet. //We will implement that time delay here, however the arduino is not the fastest device so the delay //is likely inherantly there already delayMicroseconds(3); spiWriteRead(AMT22_ZERO, encoder, true); delay(250); //250 second delay to allow the encoder to reset } /* * The AMT22 bus allows for extended commands. The first byte is 0x00 like a normal position transfer, but the * second byte is the command. * This function takes the pin number of the desired device as an input */ void resetAMT22(uint8_t encoder) { spiWriteRead(AMT22_NOP, encoder, false); //this is the time required between bytes as specified in the datasheet. //We will implement that time delay here, however the arduino is not the fastest device so the delay //is likely inherantly there already delayMicroseconds(3); spiWriteRead(AMT22_RESET, encoder, true); delay(250); //250 second delay to allow the encoder to start back up }